Walker County

  • The population of Walker County is 72,295, with 13% over the age of 65.
  • 40% of residents (ages 25 and over) have only a high school diploma, and 14% have less than a high school education.
  • The median household income is $41,508.
  • 21% of residents are in poverty.
  • 12% of residents are without health insurance.

Learn more about the county's social vulnerability, economics and healthcare.

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Unless otherwise noted, information on this page is taked from the US Census Bureau's 2020 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year estimates. ACS estimates are based on sample surveys and can include high margins of error, especially for areas with low populations.

Social Vulnerability

According to the CDC/ATSDR Social Vulnerability Index, Walker County is more vulnerable than 55% of counties in the state. The greatest source of vulnerability in the county is housing and transportation factors. In relation to this category, which takes into account housing type, crowding and access to vehicles, Walker County is more vulnerable than 97% of Texas counties.


The median household income in Walker County is $41,508. This is 35% less than the state median. 21% of residents are in poverty, 7 points higher than the state as whole.

The unemployment rate in Walker County is 3%, 2 points less than the state as a whole.


  • 12% of residents in Walker County are without health insurance. This is 5 points lower than the state as a whole.
  • 10% of residents are on Medicaid or other means-tested forms of public insurance.
  • For 4% of residents, Medicare is their only form of health insurance.